Why isn’t my beard growing?

Why isn't my beard growing?

It really becomes frustrating when everyone in your group has been able to grow a beard, but you are not seeing any signs of possible facial hair growth. At this moment, a man often questions himself a lot and seeks to find no plausible explanation as to why this is happening. There … Read more

Guide to Shave Clubs

Tips For Teaching Your Son To Shave

There’s an old way for shaving – maybe you still shave your beard this way. It’s using a lower-quality razor and whatever shaving cream you have in the bathroom, and then perhaps, some aftershave. Know that there’s a better option for this shaving situation. As the male grooming craze has arrived, new … Read more

Guide to Styling Your Beard at Home

a man shaving his beard

Going to a barbershop isn’t the only way for you to get an adequately styled beard, because you can also do it yourself at home. Of course, it would take a lot of practice in order for you to get your desired beard, but if you want to save money instead of … Read more

Tips for Keeping Your Beard Clean

Tips for Keeping Your Beard Clean

Do you ever believe that cleanliness is one way to determine a person’s personality? Of course! People are used to getting looked at every day; while walking down the street, riding a bus, even while eating at your favorite restaurant. It is human nature to check on another person’s appearance, and that … Read more

Tips for Protecting Your Beard and Mustache with Facemasks

Tips for Protecting Your Beard and Mustache with Facemasks

Growing a beard means not removing your facial hair and let it stay on your hair for quite some time. With this, you would have to make sure that your beard or mustache is safe and away from harm. However, considering all the harsh elements when you step outside your house, it … Read more

Tips For Teaching Your Son To Shave

Tips For Teaching Your Son To Shave

My how fast our sons grow! You may remember teaching them how to brush their teeth or encouraging them when they set off to their first day of school. Now there is signs of hair on his face and it’s time to teach him how to shave. Lessons To Share With Your … Read more

Guide to 5 O’clock Shadow

Guide to 5 O’clock Shadow

Upon realizing the facial hair that usually grows at 5 pm after shaving in the morning looks great, many men started to shave their beards and mustache minimally to produce the desired style without waiting for it to grow in the afternoon naturally. This style is called the 5’o clock shadow, and … Read more

Guide to Razor Bumps and Razor Burn

Guide to Razor Bumps and Razor Burn

A good shave can be a great relief until razor rashes and bumps begin to appear. Both can be itchy and can cause discomfort. It can also be painful. Know how to treat it, including what causes them, and discover the ways to prevent them as you shave. Razor Bumps vs. Razor … Read more

Guide to Beard and Mustache Contests

Guide to Beard and Mustache Contests

Are you proud of your beard or mustache? Since you first grew it off and shown it to every friend or relative you have, imagine how much pride it will give you to show it off to the public. Not just when you’re wandering around town or city, but in a real … Read more

How to Manage a Gray Beard

how to manage a gray beard

Men have mixed reactions toward graying beards. Some guys see gray beards as a symbol of wisdom, a wealth of experiences, maturity, and of course, longer life. Graying beards can even make them more attractive! But most men, though, dread the thought that one day they’ll be getting old – and the … Read more