The Correct Way to Use a Beard Trimmer

There are many ways for us to style our beard; some would use scissors, while some would just use a beard brush to get rid of excess and dead hairs on the beard. However, there is no arguing among many beard enthusiasts that the beard trimmer is the best way for us to cut, trim, maintain, and style our beard. The beard trimmer works the same way as the regular hair clipper used by barbers to cut our hair, but the beard trimmer produces a softer cut that would allow you to be more precise or accurate on what you are cutting, which is why the tool is perfect for beards.

While the beard trimmer looks simple at first glance, using it would actually need knowledge. So, you can’t just use the trimmer immediately to style your beard because you would have to learn the basic steps in utilizing it. If you are a beginner in using a beard trimmer, don’t worry, as we are here to provide you with some very simple steps on how to use the said tool. Without further ado, here is a guide on how to correctly use a beard trimmer.

Tips Before You Start Trimming

Before we actually get to the guide on how to use the beard trimmer correctly, we must first discuss what you would need to do before you use the trimmer so that you can style your beard properly. 

Beard Length

First, you would have to learn more about the right beard length, as the length would determine how short you want your beard to be. To get the right size or length for your beard, you would first need to let it grow longer than usual, but not too long. By letting it grow, you will have more options on how long or short you want your beard to be.

Using a Beard Brush

After getting the desired beard length, you should then use a beard brush and brush all the hairs of your beard in the same direction, particularly in the direction that they grow (with the grain). Through brushing your beard, the length of all the hairs of your beard will be trimmed equally, so there wouldn’t be any spots where the hairs may be too long compared to another spot.

Oiling the Trimmer

Another step to remember before you start trimming is to oil the trimmer. There are some grooming kits that have trimmers that need to be oil, but there are also high-quality and high-tech trimmers that don’t require oil to work properly. If you are a newbie in beard trimming, then there is a high chance that the grooming kit you bought will have a beard trimmer that needs to be oiled. Applying oil to the trimming is actually easy, as you just need to put oil on the blades to make them run smoother. In addition to oiling, make sure that there aren’t any hairs that are stuck on the blades if you or another person in the house has used the trimmer before, so clean it with a small brush.

Washing Your Beard

After oiling, the last step you would need to do before you start trimming is to wash your beard. Washing your beard using a good beard shampoo or beard wash is beneficial not only for you, as cleaning it would get rid of dirt and grime that may be stuck on your beard, but also for your trimmer since it won’t have to deal with dirt that may get stuck in the blade and cause damage to the tool. Once you have washed your beard, be sure to dry it first using a face towel before you turn on the beard trimmer.

Trimming Your Beard

Now that we’re done discussing the steps you need to follow before you trim, let us now get into the actual steps to trim your beard. Read the steps indicated below and memorize them before you get your trimmer and start trimming so that you will make little to no mistakes on your first try.

Trim Your Beard Upwards or Against the Grain

In order for you to trim your beard properly, you would need to move the trimmer against the grain of the hair, which is usually upwards. Try to keep the movement of your beard trimmer consistent while you are styling your beard. Every few minutes, you can stop trimming and use a beard brush to brush away shaved hairs and keep the remaining hairs in equal length while you are trimming. Brush down your beard to make the hairs go downwards so that they will be trimmed equally.

Trim the Beard on the Neckline

Most beginners in beard trimming would often forget about the neckline, which is arguably one of the most important parts of the beard that you would need to style in order for your facial hair to look even before. You would need to neaten the neckline of your beard by tapering the edges or producing a fade. Tapering the edge of the beard is usually difficult for most beginners, so be sure to watch videos on how to neaten your neckline to have a better idea of how to do the procedure.

Apply Beard Oil

Once you are done with the neckline, turn off the beard trimmer and start brushing your beard again to get rid of shaved and excess hairs. Then, apply beard oil to moisturize your beard and make it look much healthier. In addition to making your beard moisturize, beard oil also helps in moisturizing the skin beneath your beard, which is typically prone to getting too dry. If the skin behind the beard is dry, it will produce dead skin flakes that are itchy and irritating, so always apply beard oil after you trim your beard or after taking a bath.

So, those are the most basic steps in trimming your beard using a beard trimmer. By following the tips we have written in this article, you would surely have a more pleasant experience styling your beard for the first time. Remember to take care of not only your beard but also your trimmer so that it will last longer.